A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I bought my first digital camera. It was an Olympus. Then eventually I saw the Canon Digital Elph S100 and I fell in love with carrying around what are pocketable cameras.
Olympus in the meantime had produced some interesting models, but they were not pocketeable and as competitors advanced in what they were doing, their image quality had jaggies and chromatic aberrations (or purple fringing) - all over. They had improved somewhat but I was still not exactly interested. They have been doing some nice 10x ultra zoom models though.
Well, the latest round of Olympus cameras seems to have solved several issues they used to have... Chromatic Aberrations, one of my pet peeves since to be the handled the best in the current camera generation on the prosumer range. The 8080wide angle model and the new Ultra zoom fairly compact 765 and 770 models are very interesting. Of note is that the 770 can capture mpeg 4 640x480 @ 30fps movies. Makes pretty much about 4 times the length vs my Fuji motion jpeg movies.
I don't think the 770 is pocketeable, but it's still darn small. And having a 10x optical zoom with controlled chromatic aberrations is interesting.. indeed....
Will I buy it? I think I should wait. Even when my F700 seems like flopped on delivering Fuji's hype of the SR sensor every now and then I take a picture where I do see an edge in the dynamic range.
Anyhow, kudos to Olympus. I already recommended the 8080w to a co-worker.