I am not 100% pleased but I think it's a start. Comment & critique away.
So the hardest issue I see with this homework is- do I photograph people first asking them to pose? Do I just snap a shot? If I do, how close to the subjects? (telephoto lens vs not so telephoto?) How can I best compose an interesting shot when I can't go around asking people to pose? (so far it seems the key is intelligtent guess-timate anticipation).
There's no cropping here. All shots at ISO 1600, black and white from RAW & processed for noise reduction.
The solo man smoking captures something... I like the shot in the rear-view mirror as well, though I dunno if it captures "nightlife" to me - just an interesting shot and expression on her face. A sort of vacant feeling, anticipation of something... Which I guess is what much of nightlife is - lonely singles, waiting, anticipating, nervously, something that may never come to them that night. So, perhaps it does capture it somewhat?
The other two shots don't do much for me.
Posted by: nerbo | August 21, 2005 at 04:17 AM